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2011 global cleantech 100

Cleantech Group's "Global Cleantech 100" is an annual index of the 100 most promising companies in cleantech innovation, as voted on and vetted by industry experts nominated by the Cleantech Group

Corporate and venture capital activity

Historical investment trends and number of deals for 2011 global cleantech 100

Top 10 Recent Deals - last 24 months

Company Country Status Amount 
Company: Origin Energy Country: Australia Status: Acquired Amount: $12,290,000,000
Company: Stegra Country: Sweden Status: Private Amount: $1,606,733,000
Company: Yingfa Group Country: China Status: Private Amount: $1,450,000,000
Company: Enel Group Country: Italy Status: Public Amount: $1,200,000,000
Company: Adani Green Energy Country: India Status: Public Amount: $1,120,000,000
Company: IM Motors Country: China Status: Private Amount: $1,100,000,000
Company: EDP Renovaveis Country: Portugal Status: Public Amount: $1,000,000,000
Company: Invenergy Country: United States Status: Private Amount: $1,000,000,000
Company: Redwood Materials Country: United States Status: Private Amount: $1,000,000,000
Company: Rox Motor Country: China Status: Private Amount: $1,000,000,000

Top 10 Investors - in last 24 months

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Top 5 Acquirers - in last 24 months

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